I started today early. At six a.m. I started by checking my revver account and found my efforts had been rewarded to the tune of 90 cents. I was very pleased. I uploaded another Big T n JJ episode Almost Fatal, and went on another research binge.
I discover more information from a really good source. Henry90639. His website SwapW, is very informative and easy to understand. Just watch his videos. Generating revenue on the web should be easy, but often I run into people, just like me, who don't have a clue. I'm learning, a lot. I've learned that placing widgets can sometimes flood users with pop ups if their browser isn't up to date or equipped with the right protective software. You don't know what I have to say about those people. It's too rude.
By the time I finish reading the forums, learn how to widget and create my own video channel, it's almost noon and I'm still naked underneath my bathrobe in need of a shower. My, how time flies when your desperate to make something work. It seems like every second counts and you can't afford for it to get away from you. Time is money!!!
So, now at the end of the day, I still have questions, videos to watch and produce, post and share, a website to restructure. It's tiny steps to success. But, when I finally get to bed, I won't miss a wink.
Let me know if I've done anything illegal. My horoscope prompts me to be careful.
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