I rub my eyes, or brush them awake, how many views can I make?
Does the ratio of views per day by a viral video viewer equal in any way the amount of views a digital producer hopes for or receives in the same day? I'm sure its not the sum of all questions, its just my question. I won't even think about it much. I already know the answer is "no". I can barely sit through 5 views at a time. I think it's because my cube is uncomfortable. I probably need to get the prescription on my lenses checked. If I just had a couch in front of my desk it would make the experience more gratifying, but to view them, I still have to be sitting at my desk? Right?
Maybe for now, and until then employers will have to figure out a way to deter viral viewers away from the screens over smokers leaving for their nicotine break since that seems to be on the decline. Even smokers are forgiving their breaks to watch these mini computer shows also known as viral videos, webcasting, podcasting. Soon, from what I understand, about the direction this industry is headed and from what I see on Modern Marvels and read about in digitalmediawire and other publications, is that they want more fluid distribution to stream from multiple domains to satellite and back and over your phone, credit card, pass key, wall, ceiling and floor, creating virtual realities, allowing users to connect with viral friends, in and on any surface that they can apply a film to. The hope for better wireless connectivity is essential here. You can't have a seamless picture on the counter with a cord sticking out of it, plugged into a socket. So let's pray.
I watched so many videos today, I just want to crawl under the covers, into the darkness and shut off. Which is what I will do eventually, but maybe just a few more. All day I've watched, pulled favorites, made widget collections, rated, subscribed, but I did not post or upload. Oh yes I did, I posted one to my YouTube account. My first YouTube video. It's a small one.
If you really want the complete industry overlook, don't overlook digitalmediawire for outstanding reporting on copyright matters for content producers and publishing rights for distributors. Check out Steve and Bill talking DM. It serves us all to pay some attention.
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