Sunday, June 3, 2007

Leaving a Mark


Thursday, May 31, 2007

51 Views...The Sum Question

I rub my eyes, or brush them awake, how many views can I make?

Does the ratio of views per day by a viral video viewer equal in any way the amount of views a digital producer hopes for or receives in the same day? I'm sure its not the sum of all questions, its just my question. I won't even think about it much. I already know the answer is "no". I can barely sit through 5 views at a time. I think it's because my cube is uncomfortable. I probably need to get the prescription on my lenses checked. If I just had a couch in front of my desk it would make the experience more gratifying, but to view them, I still have to be sitting at my desk? Right?

Maybe for now, and until then employers will have to figure out a way to deter viral viewers away from the screens over smokers leaving for their nicotine break since that seems to be on the decline. Even smokers are forgiving their breaks to watch these mini computer shows also known as viral videos, webcasting, podcasting. Soon, from what I understand, about the direction this industry is headed and from what I see on Modern Marvels and read about in digitalmediawire and other publications, is that they want more fluid distribution to stream from multiple domains to satellite and back and over your phone, credit card, pass key, wall, ceiling and floor, creating virtual realities, allowing users to connect with viral friends, in and on any surface that they can apply a film to. The hope for better wireless connectivity is essential here. You can't have a seamless picture on the counter with a cord sticking out of it, plugged into a socket. So let's pray.

I watched so many videos today, I just want to crawl under the covers, into the darkness and shut off. Which is what I will do eventually, but maybe just a few more. All day I've watched, pulled favorites, made widget collections, rated, subscribed, but I did not post or upload. Oh yes I did, I posted one to my YouTube account. My first YouTube video. It's a small one.

If you really want the complete industry overlook, don't overlook digitalmediawire for outstanding reporting on copyright matters for content producers and publishing rights for distributors. Check out Steve and Bill talking DM. It serves us all to pay some attention.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I did, I followed the trail and it lead me to what I believed in the first place. Don't give anything away. Don't wait. Don't be timid. Don't worry. Don't do any of the things that I've done here, as mentioned. The cost is non-negotiable. I know I shouldn't dwell either, but I guess you have to know me to love me.

Big T n JJ's "Outtakes from the Lives of the Disadvantaged" was featured on Yahoo videos from September 2006 to May 2007, but I pulled them. We were branded to a blogsite here on blogger, but I took it down. Now looking back, I thought we were vlog material and the story would have been funnier, if we had been able to shoot the stuff I wrote. My partner, JJ, was very difficult to work with. She never had any time. She seemed to always have this secret life on the side that she didn't want me to be involved in. I ended up shooting the most pathetic material by myself, of myself. Worst of all, I posted it. Now, that that's over, I should feel better, but somehow I feel I've ultimately failed again.

No, no, no, no, no...I refuse to accept failure. I refuse to be defeated. I refuse to be a turnip.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Where I Am Now

I started today early. At six a.m. I started by checking my revver account and found my efforts had been rewarded to the tune of 90 cents. I was very pleased. I uploaded another Big T n JJ episode Almost Fatal, and went on another research binge.

I discover more information from a really good source. Henry90639. His website SwapW, is very informative and easy to understand. Just watch his videos. Generating revenue on the web should be easy, but often I run into people, just like me, who don't have a clue. I'm learning, a lot. I've learned that placing widgets can sometimes flood users with pop ups if their browser isn't up to date or equipped with the right protective software. You don't know what I have to say about those people. It's too rude.

By the time I finish reading the forums, learn how to widget and create my own video channel, it's almost noon and I'm still naked underneath my bathrobe in need of a shower. My, how time flies when your desperate to make something work. It seems like every second counts and you can't afford for it to get away from you. Time is money!!!

So, now at the end of the day, I still have questions, videos to watch and produce, post and share, a website to restructure. It's tiny steps to success. But, when I finally get to bed, I won't miss a wink.

Let me know if I've done anything illegal. My horoscope prompts me to be careful.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Google is Getting It

Wow! They are probably brow beaten by the many times they've had to attend legal arguments about copyright infringement, so when they realized they may have another problem in the area of plagiarism, they nipped it in the butt. (Is that how it goes? Nipped in the butt?)

Another story provided by DigitalMediaWire reports that Google has stepped up and sent the plagiarists (Essay Writing Firms advertising on Google) walking.

"Plagiarism devalues the efforts of students who work hard to achieve their degrees," Universities UK president Professor Drummond Bone told the BBC.

Today's been a good day.

Do Sexy Blondes get more clicks?

Although I cannot speak from experience, I haven't been terribly popular online lately. I guess I haven't been marketing myself in the right way, mainly because of online abuse. I don't want to be a sexbot or participate in sexchat. I'm a video producer and editor, and no I don't want to produce porn or capitalize from the Internet sex trade, just like I wouldn't want to be a twenty dollar hooker working the late shift. Sorry guys. So I'm extremely hopeful that viral video, Internet television and new media will finally drowned that appalling "Hollywood" standard that women have to be young and sexy to get people to watch. As a matter of fact, you don't have to be a professional videographer either. A simple webcam will do.

Viewing YouTube, I met a scottish man taking his moral inventory, as I stumbled upon his very personal broadcast of philosophical thought. It's not perfect video, it doesn't have to be. People are communicating, that's what it's all about. It was scary because I realized how much Scot I have in my bloodline, he looks just like my father. I left him a comment that his music was too loud. I had a hard time hearing his voice over Pink Floyd on his radio. No copyright worries, I imagine.

However, I have also just recieved from the Post Master Direct, via yahoo mail (uhum), an invitation to recieve a free White Paper "Making the Case for Social Strategy" published by Cymfony, a media intelligence research firm. Why does this interest me? How did they know I was accumulating the information on this concept? Interesting. This should be common knowledge now, and for many website hosts, online communities, software designers and advertising firms, it is. I just wonder if the general public understands it. It's a relatively harmless matter; everything you type into a database, all that information gets to the right advertisers and they inquire with you. A few years ago, it was called push technology.
Today, push and pull technologies have evolved and found their nitch in social networks like Myspace, Blogs and now Video Sharing. Provided by DigitalMediaWire, news that Buzznet, fastest growing social network site, according to research, just raised 6 million in venture capital. Darling, the possibilities seem boundless.

If people are truly not concerned with allowing countless strangers into their bedrooms to openly talk about almost anything, maybe the controversy over online privacy is ready for bed?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Kidnap Outtakes

So, it was late January and I was pacing my hallway wondering, where is everybody? Then I found it. You Tube. My life has never been the same. People everywhere. Funny people. True people. God, you'd think I was an alien. It's just that it's very barren out here in the desert and my friends have to drive a little to get here. I go out, but I wouldn't get to meet people from farther distances than a few miles if it were not for You Tube. I would love to travel more, to Africa and Scotland, Britain and China, but I'm without the proper resources at the moment.

So, I hoped in my car, with my trusty dog PD, and we high tailed it over to JJ's for a surprise visit.