Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Paradoxal American...Economic Crisis Action and Reaction

Iceland Bankrupt!?! Now wait a minute...

I find it hard to believe that faulty mortgage securities alone, bought and sold over and over again, and the over extension of credit could bankrupt an entire country like Iceland, even though it is the size of only one state in the US. The U.S Department of Treasury has been confiscating billions of dollars of dirty money from the banking system through the Bank Secrecy Act and The Patriot Act. These new laws open investigations into money-laundering schemes and penalize the banks with inadequate anti-money laundering procedures.

The forfeitures alone, known as economic sanctions, and seizures, run into billions of dollars, then the penalties add up to millions more. Check Fincen site. In reaction to the new laws, new technology of crime detection, the organized crime syndicates take their money out to prevent capture or seizure because the law is closing in on them. Banks are now being held responsible for the bad decisions that they've made. Voila! We have a crisis.

Who would have thought the American Economy as well as international economies were riding so high on a bulk of dirty money? Who would have thought that our lives were so closely entwined with criminal finances? Of course, the violent backlash of this could be tremendous, but remember, The United States of America is the defense capital of the world. They would like to protect all the institutions within their borders, but since they service so many other countries borders, it's getting hard to tell where those borders are.

The markets are effected not only by failed housing loans and bad credit, that's only part of the story, but also the law and investigations reveal other crimes, such as the manipulation of ratings by corrupt companies, predatory practices from credit companies trying to sell off their new access to funds from who knows where, deregulation of banks and new laws and regulations that prevent crime lords from using the financial system to wash their dirty blood and drug money. Without the crime syndicates' money, things aren't as rosy as they might have appeared to be. Massive selloffs have occurred seemingly from the panic, but some of that selloff could be from corrupt accounts and in this AP story posted Oct. 10, 2008, President Bush states that "we have the resources..." And has stated that the Treasury Department is now insuring money market mutual funds for the first time.

Yes, I say many need to go to jail and voting would seem completely irrelevant now. But I am holding on for true justice. We've all been intermingling with this dirty money for quite some time, excusing it, permissive of it, and now that's changed. It hurts, but it will change things for the better. The methods in which money coming from and going to organizations for the funding of world terrorism will be severely hindered by these new laws and techniques put into effect by The Patriot Act.

Today's American

People seem to be against law enforcement right now and that's a shame, because they might be influenced by the wrong sources of information given the immense explosion of consumer or user generated media coming from the world wide web, or because their lives are different from the inside, but who do they keep calling on when trouble strikes? Law enforcers.

The America in my heart is always the fast thinking justice seeker, which all Americans appear to be. We've fought against tyranny and civil rights offenses, but try to put the average American in the seat of responsibility and who knows what to do? I say trust the law, or change it, when intelligence tells you to. That's how the justice system works to protect this country. The media seems to be the irresponsible party here by following popular trends of interest instead of promoting the truth around the world. The responsibilities of democracy are always in the laps of the everyday people. It's up to you to keep the big picture in mind. For those who wish to change the law, can.

Some viral videos on Youtube promote non-compliance and striking the vote instead of becoming officers and agents of the law themselves, like Cindy Sheehan has done. Does anyone remember her? The Iraq War protester who camped out on President Bush's ranch for months after her son was killed. She's running for Congress now. Should I think that she has just sold out? Why don't you surprise everyone by going to the polls and voting for Ralph Nader suddenly and see what happens, it might be fun. It's troubling that you want us all to do absolutely nothing. That just boggles my mind.

"Please forgive us our trespasses..." and "don't tread on me". That's what we want for everyone, always, or I thought we did. To the folks whose viral videos work avenues for silent revolts and passive apathy without considering the outcome or offering any post solutions to the current system, it's as if you are inadvertently trying to destroy us for the rest of the world's sake. Perhaps, you would contribute better if you showed your love of liberty by seeking the justices already within.

More links to facts
terrorists having trouble using banks

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