Monday, October 20, 2008

Manipulations of the Monetary System details below...

If you have not seen this elegantly constructed film and you are still wondering why things are so bad everywhere you turn and they only look to be getting worse, get ready to be be confronted with the most intelligent and comprehensive look at the current monetary system and it's inherently destructive forces around the world.

The Zeitgeist Movement proposes that, as individuals around the world, we can eliminate this system by simply abandoning it and by seeking a more self reliant and technologically advanced system called a Resource Economy. A Resource Economy sounds nice. I trade my talents for your talents, etc... And the film displays futuristic designs by Jaques Fresco for The Venus Project. And as I research this ultimate aspect of the movement, I am both enticed yet skeptical again, because although the Venus Project's goal is to provide a better quality of life moreover than the current monetary system will allow, it's Web site, E-commerce and Database are powered by Progress Technologies.

Is someone going to eventually ask me for money to support this movement? I seriously hope not.

Find out what it's all about by watching the entire movie, free, thanks to Google share.

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