Thursday, December 6, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Lens of Truth: Part 3 - We (official trailer)


Your oil, your natural gas, your coal, your money making ventures are making me mad.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Peter Gabriel - Wallflower 2010

It's not like me to reveal too much about my private life on a blog. Maybe, I will tell you a story that has a little truth and a little fiction and let your imagination run wild. This song, featured in the film "Birdy" with Nicholas Cage and Mathew Modine, I want to believe was written for many other reasons then just for the film. If it was written by Peter Gabriel, it most likely had a great deal more to do with the overall picture of what being free really means to someone oppressed, tortured, fouled. Because, in most of his songs, I can hear that he understands all that, that somehow he knows everything. It's strange because a thought just rolled through my head making me want to write to you all that everyone knows everything. It is all stored in there and you can see it, remember it, talk about it, sing about it, write about it, swear by it, because it only takes a second to figure it out and then fold it away thinking, "oh shit, where did that come from? I can't tell anyone that, they would never believe me..."

It's okay. This is life. You can pretty much say, feel and think anything you want. "All influence is immoral...The aim of life is to understand your true nature." as said by someone in some movie about Dorian Gray. Whatever.

I love musicians, men named Peter. Tony Levins and Joes and Jaques and Franks and Davids. Arturos, Rauls, Felipes, the list could go on forever....

I love film makers, artists and speakers, dancers. Pushers of the limits, because there really are no limits, no matter what some awful fool tells you. If there were actual limits, none of us or anything would probably even be here. Sure, anyone can try and place limits here or there but that doesn't make it so. Science can find limits, but time can make fools of them after all.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dancing In Iceland

Remember that bit I did about Iceland going bankrupt?...Oh wait. That was another blog.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Shout (Occupy Earth) - Anonymous Music feat. N2KMaster

You call yourself a Christian yet allow for armed services to render violence in other places in the world, far beyond your scope... (As long as they are not beating down my door, arresting me, or shelling my hometown) Right? You never ask why your church doesn't pay taxes in your community, in your state, in your country? But, they are clearly a business.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Race Against the Machine: Andrew McAfee at TEDxBoston

And you thought we couldn't do it. HOW WRONG!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Power Cube prototype 2 (full fab vid)

The only way to put the influence of money and politics behind you and get to a better world is by working together and building it yourself because politics will never change for the better and money will never solve what ails the earth.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Colombia: European energy corporation plans to flood rainforest

Colombia: European energy corporation plans to flood rainforest

Energy companies are not friends of the earth, nor it's inhabitants. That should be fairly obvious now with the suppression of technologies that could make energy free and sensibly clean, eliminate wars and central banking with it's propaganda and current fiasco.

Somehow, people of the earth need to realize that nationalist interests do not stop at any border, but carry on into areas we may never travel to but, will surely feel the horrible results of projects like this one.

Please write, blog, capture and oppose the devastating effects of this project any way you can.