Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Important Connections


The most important of their radio shows so far, by far, I agree. The Revolution is occurring as you read this. Listen up to the above interview with John Perkins famed author of Hoodwinked and Confessions of an Economic Hitman. We can do it. Change has already begun, don't miss out.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hope For Failures with Da Educated Poet 12/23/2009 - WDEP Radio 3 on Blog Talk Radio

An Afternoon with Da Educated Poet 12/23/2009 - WDEP Radio 3 on Blog Talk Radio

This is not video, but what the heck.

The holiday season can bring on feelings of hopelessness that Da Educated Poet and I discuss on this show. If you have any doubt as to whether or not you are a successful failure, please listen to this show. It will only further confuse you and hopefully, you will never come to the ultimate end as a possible solution to any problems.

Stay with us.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Blue - David Gilmour guitar solo

This is C. He's an artist from Argentina. He's a maniac on the guitar. Close your eyes and listen, sounds like...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Get to the COP(per)! COP15

Thank you Arnold! Thank the world for thinking of us. Watching COP15, I imagine that while many of us are just trying to survive within our families under such economic strain, there might be some whom would prefer not to think about much more. Climate Change, in a sense is like making a leap of faith, we are not sure why we are doing it, we are not sure it can be done and mostly we are not sure that our individual contributions will make much difference. It's not true, that you have no impact, carbon or otherwise, specifically politically. You have more impact than you might know.

Please take this opportunity to give a listen and lend your voice to the debate, the discussions, your moment to decide. It cannot harm you to know what is really at stake if you are in doubt.

COP15 is webcast live from Denmark. This video is posted from their youtube channel.

Monday, December 7, 2009

OPEN (episode 3) Leo and the TWiT Network

Pay Attention!!!

What he said.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Live Nature Webcast at ThePond

Most WEEKDAY mornings I'm up at the crack of dawn and I get to watch these charming, bunnies, birds, lizards, quail and sometimes even snakes and butterflies, dragonflies and squirrels, desert squirrels that is, all from a live webcast on Ustream. It's a charming show so far, lots of surprises.

Visit JUNGLEBOOGIE, early am PST, if you have the time

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New D-Day for U.S. TV Viewers DTV 2 Days Away

Analog TV is shutting down. Digital TV is taking over. Friday, June 12th, 2009. Are you ready? According to Gary Lock at a White House briefing, Lock said, from data generated from Neilson Ratings of last Sunday, "around 2 percent of American families are not prepared for the transition" Lock cited seniors are a demographic well prepared and the small percent that are unprepared may be assumed to be procrastinating or simply do not care among other genuine reasons. I can't say that I blame them. I haven't watched a television for well over a year or so. I've had the rare opportunity to find cherished programming choices elsewhere. He also stated that the data showed a rush of increased calls in to request a coupon for the converter box which, if they do not have cable or satellite, they will have to purchase.

The Nifty Official Website to get transitioned. GET YOUR COUPON (from the official Department of Commerce, U.S.A. dot gov site. Convert to digital, you have no choice. Of course, if you prefer to watch your garden grow, that's fine too.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cross Gender Superheroes? [ART]

I think many men can appreciate a good female superhero. Be it Wonder Woman, one of the female X-Men, or something in the video game world like Lara Croft. But imagine if some of your favorite heroes were women? Not just Wonder Woman, but let’s say The Flash or Daredevil. Guess what? People already have.

read more | digg story

Total Tirade Episode 2 Incoming Dick bleeped by Twig Snap

Will not be appearing on this blog as scheduled because Revver, the unreliable and troubled video sharing website seems to have disappeared, vanished, TallyHo-ed!.